Ruxandra Looft GirlGaze

In this article by Ruxandra Looft, she looks at how social media has effected the way in which genders are represented and the various waves of feminism. She uses the Amanda De Cadenet story to show how this issue is being dealt with.  “she was encouraged by peers in the industry to remain in front of the camera as a model, where she would likely find more career success than if she pursued the path of photographer.” This quote explores how targeted women were in the industry, stating that because she is a certain gender this dictates what side of the camera she is on.

I think feminist movements have changed the way females are viewed in the photographic and film industry, along with social media, however the problem still exists. Amanda’s project GirlGaze uses social media as a way to explore this and publicise the issues that are present in this industry (and many others). I think this is a great idea to use social media as it is a very efficient way to convey your project onto a large number of people.